I hope your last thought gets to be, "Holy Crap, That's Awesome."



Today I turn 26.

Today is a good day
Looking back at last years post is kind of bitter and kind of sweet- but I wouldn't call it bittersweet. That word makes think that there is some sort of longing for what has been or had been- and I don't feel that.

I feel like the things I have done and learned in the past year have made me realize I don't know anything about anything. And I kind of like it that way.

I'm happy the majority of the time and I have the most wonderful people surrounding me. Granted, sometimes I want to throttle them- but that's our little urban family. We love one another and are good to one another and I feel safe. And that is a good feeling.

I miss my family, though. I miss them in my life they way things used to be- so in that I supposed there is some bittersweetness to it.

If, Then kicks in and it's all back to now.

So now.

I'm 26. I'm enjoying atleast 50% of everday and I'm ready for 2010.

I'm ready for what is next.

Love, Kate