I hope your last thought gets to be, "Holy Crap, That's Awesome."



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Today is my brithday. In the past I've spent it with family, at school, at work or with friends...

This year I'm spending it with my puppy, Gob, a 24 pack of coke and a pound of bacon.

Gob + Bacon + Soda = Love

Yeah, that's right.

It's my fucking 24th birthday and I'm celebrating in style.

Jimmy is working (since 5am) and wont be home until 7ish tonight, so I have all day to watch the Law & Order Marathon and bask in my old age...

1 comment:

the V said...

you are an old bird. ha, finger slips meant i first typed oiled bird. wouldn't that be a disgusting birthday?

but anyway, did the present last til the big day, i never asked? Kitch is great, but i should send you her best.

love you lady, even when your geriatric before your time... because frankly, so am I.