I hope your last thought gets to be, "Holy Crap, That's Awesome."



So I love to read, right? You know that about me. I LOVE it. I eat books for breakfast.

A fact that few people know is that I love those crappy romance books. I mean, I LOVE good books- but there is just something about those fabio-covered shit piles that oogle at you in the super market that knock my mental socks off. They are fun and frivolous- but I love them.

Does that change people's opinions about me? Maybe. Do I care much? No.

These books have lots of upsides.

- They enrich my vocabulary (There are LOTS of old fashioned words used since the one's I like best are set in other times)
- They fill a gap in your day when you are waiting for something and just need a brain rest
- They are full of funny parts that make me laugh out loud (Most books are hard to laugh aloud at, but these books have no qualms about being honestly silly)
- The women I've met who love them like I do- are really fucking awesome people
- They have hot sex scenes, I know too much information, but common! (Since I am physically separated from my husband, it's nice to have a little steaminess in my days)

Anyway. I eat books. Any book, but those are my abashed, and not-so abashed favorites.

Also, I read uncommonly fast. This weekend alone (Friday, Saturday and Sunday- admittedly I did stay up late nights to cram in more words) I read nine books cover to cover. Now, lots of people accuse me of skimming, or skipping or something else absurd- I don't. I read every word. My brain caresses them. I am engulfed by them while I read. I am in that place, that time, I am that person- I feel those things. I am lost in the read world for those few hours and I LOVE it.

The only bad part about it is finishing a book and feeling that little sense of loss, that the book is done. But a fresh uncracked spine is something to get goosebumps over.

This weekend I read the whole eight book series of Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood), I read Northern Lights (A WONDERFUL book) and I read a book called "A Lady's Secret"- which was about a runaway countess pretending to be a nun who cant stop swearing and thus gets found out and blackmailed by a man who finds her intriguing, la di dah- they fall in love amidst a lot of sword fighting and swashbuckling and fancy dresses. How can you not enjoy something like that?


Now I am out of books. I've read everything I have in Kendra's apparent and trying to find good things to read online... but that's harder to do than you'd think. There is WAY more crap on the Internet- worse than the worst book ever published.

Thus I am stuck writing a blog about how I love to read instead of continuing reading.

boo. I want to take all the books I have and trade them in, but I feel bad since some of them are gifts. I'll just wait and nibble on the Internet until my next paycheck comes to supplement my book habit.

Yes, ladies and gentleman. Habit.

I love reading more than I love smoking. More than I love eating or drinking or sleeping or anything. I would trade a lot for two fresh books a day. I have my priorities a little out of place... maybe. It's hard to judge for me when I'm salivating over the idea of a new book.

mmmm.... new book. Yes, please.


Angela said...

I totally believe you're actually reading. I don't read as quickly as you do, but I do read faster than the average person. I finished the final Harry Potter book in about 1/4 of the time that it took my roommate, and she was convinced that I was just trying to prove a point. Oh well.

In Chicago, I bought all my books used. In Florida, there are few places to buy used books (I think it has something to do with trying to preserve them in the humidity).

the V said...

1, i am still really glad and a little proud you shared the world of trashy novels with me that summer in chicago.

2, never keep a book i gave you because it was a gift. the best books you give to someone else to enjoy (and I still have a copy you can borrow anytime if you want to re0read it)

3, did you know Jennifer Donnelly and Philip Pullman were published in the same year? Hence in the states she wrote Northen Lights while he wrote Golden Compass and in the UK he wrote Nothern Lights and hers is A Gathering Light.

4, lots of people give books away on freecycle. especially trashy ones because you go through them like a tube of pringles.

5, i love you.

6, ps- read The Hunger Games. it's fucking addictive.