I hope your last thought gets to be, "Holy Crap, That's Awesome."



He and I are in a whole new place. I have a flight to Dallas on the 20th.

How exactly does one tell her parents that she and her boyfriend are not only together (when they thought they werent) and in love (which they dont put much stock into) and that she is going to visit him 20 hours away for five days?

How do you approach that subject with your father? Or mother, in fact? Much less over-protective and knife happy younger brother?

How can you express it to them where they dont see it as a Lifetime movie?

How the thought of seeing eachother is so huge and amazing, that it is all you dream about? That moment in the airport when you see their face and know that it's real? Holding hands in the car ride to who-cares where?

And then... how do you tell them that he is moving here and we are getting an apartment together? How do you tell your uber-religious family that you are living in sin? Is it sick that I think it might be fun?

How do you know for sure? (They'll ask.)

There is no for sure. Not ever, but there's sure enough. And that's what I am. Sure enough that it's worth it.

1 comment:

the V said...

there is no sure. there never will be.

but if he is enough for you, i wont let anyone pretend that isnt worth everything else.

if he isnt of course, you know i will haunt him from this life into the next and make him sorry he ever looked at or thought of you.

but if he is, if he really is, you deserve it.

it and more.

i love you.